The Epidemiology Monitor
    Job Bank



Epi-Gram #46


April 1, 2014

The Epidemiology Monitor is now available free to all subscribers and includes a subscription to these Epi-Grams.  Subscribe today at:

   Epi News Briefs

CDC Reports Highest Ever Prevalence Rate of Autism Spectrum Disorder

The new estimate is 30% higher than the rate in 2008 and roughly 60% and 120% higher than the rates in 2006, and 2000 respectively. According to CDC, “we don’t know what is causing this increase".


Meta-Analysis Findings Challenge Link Between Fat And Heart Disease

In a surprising finding, a meta-analysis of 72 studies involving more than 600,000 study participants by Cambridge University researchers reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine (March 18) has found that total saturated fat is not associated with risk of heart disease.

One In Eight Total Global Deaths Being Caused By Air Pollution

Air pollution is now the world’s largest single environmental health risk causing an estimated 7 million deaths in 2012, according to the World Health Organization.

Ebola Breaks Out In West Africa With Very High Case Fatality Rate

A deadly outbreak of Ebola virus has erupted for the first time in Guinea and in neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa. The number of suspected and confirmed cases has climbed to 103 with 66 deaths and an estimated 64% case fatality rate.

New Entries Submitted in Humorous Epi Marriage Vow Contest

"I promise to transform when I am not acting normally."

Several new entries have been received in our ongoing marriage vow contest for epidemiologists. The deadline for the contest has been extended to April 30, 2014. The winning entry will receive $500.

     New Job Listings  

Here are some of the most recent new job listings we have received. We also post jobs on our Facebook page---take a moment to "like" us and you will be able to stay current! 

Want to advertise your position or post a job with us? Contact Ron Aron via phone 770-670-1946 or email
  Reach 25,000+ qualified people with your job ad

Ron Aron    770.670.1946
Want to post a job with us ?  We offer both free and paid job listings 


     Epidemiology Calendar  


Our comprehensive 2014 calendar of epidemiology events including conferences, meetings, short courses, summer programs and more is now available for FREE download.  Please feel free to share it with your colleagues ! 

We also maintain an online calendar on our website that is constantly updated.  Submit your calendar event FREE of charge. To send us your events:  You can add your event to our online calendar at any time.
     IEA 6th International Course Epidemiological Methods / Vilnius, Lithuania / May 5-16
     Public Health 2014 / Toronto, Canada / May 26-29
     APIC Annual Conference 2014 / Anaheim, CA / June 7-9
     Epi Info 7 (Developing Public Health Software Applications) / Atlanta, GA / June 19-21

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