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Epi Wit & Wisdom Articles

Taubes Interview Stimulates Additional Readers to Respond (5 of 6)

Wide Variety of Views Expressed

[Editor’s Note: We continue to receive letters about our interview with Gary Taubes and some of our readers have expressed the hope that we continue publishing them to maintain the ongoing discussion. Here are four additional letters, including reactions from Gary Taubes.]

Provocative Letter From Canadian Colleague

Dear Editor,

I personally believe that epi is sliding into a crisis and is in denial. Steve Milloy, for example, is having a field day undermining confidence in the discipline at a time when media attention has never been stronger but the funding available to do careful, meticulous studies is decreasing. One huge part of the problem is that epidemiologists have marginalized themselves by becoming phenomenologists, uninterested in mechanism. This is partly a function of who has become an epidemiologist in recent years.

In the past, physicians with clinical training and typically some biomedical science in their background would learn the basics of epidemiology for a specific application. They knew that their interest was in a particular disease or for public health applications or that their career would lie in testing hypotheses about diseases they were familiar with using epidemiological methods. Their command of the methodology may or may not have been strong; a handful, of course, were superb but many were relatively mediocre taken strictly as methodologists. Generally speaking, however, they knew exactly what they were studying and had a mental picture of the pathophysiology to guide them.

The entrance of large numbers of PhD epidemiologists made for a vastly more sophisticated discipline and great advances in methodology. Interaction with biostatisticians was also easier because of the common commitment to research training and the similarity of graduate study. (Medical school is a qualitatively different experience.) The new generation of epidemiologists, where PhDs greatly outnumber MDs, is far more capable of tackling difficult problems with the sophisticated tools available. The problem is that they do not necessarily understand what they are studying.

Recently, I participated in a major international meeting on air quality and health effects. In the middle of one concurrent session on respiratory disease and PM10, the moderator, who is highly respected, paused and declared that he did not really know what “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” really was and how it differed from asthma except that the ICD codes were different. The fact is that he is dealing at a level of abstraction that does not force him to understand what the data mean and how the underlying problem is structured biologically. Sooner or later, this lacuna of ignorance will result in a serious mistake in interpretation and analysis.

Epidemiology is a method, as reflected by Miettinen’s concept of it as “occurrence res-earch.” It is not content. One either learns the content or partners with a collaborator who does. Practicing epidemiology in isolation is dangerous and will sooner or later lead to error. Cum-ulatively, these errors lead to the discrediting of the field as “junk science” in the term of Milloy or “bad science” in the term of Gary Taubes.

The growing crisis of credibility in epidemiology will not be resolved by resorting to increasingly sophisticated methods of analysis. An example of this, in my opinion, is the disappointing experience with meta-analysis, which has led to misleading results even in clinical trials where the method should be most applicable. It may be addressed by going back to fundamentals and thinking through epidemiology as at bottom, a descriptive science quite capable of testing hypo- theses but not truly experimental, much like astronomy and particle physics.

I am pleased to see that the Epi Monitor is sensitive to these issues and has sent a powerful wake up call to a scientific community increasingly at risk.

Dr. Tee L. Guidotti

Taubes’ Response: Dr. Guidotti raises an interesting point, and one that would, pardon the expression, bear further research. While it’s probably a reliable statement that a researcher who knows little of his actual subject is teetering on the abyss, I’d still hesitate to promote the idea that MDs, with the rare exception, are a good bet to do good science.


Taubes is “Refreshing”

Dear Editor,

I found Mr. Taubes’ comments refreshing. They gave voice to similar apprehensions that I have been harboring for quite some time. I came to environmental epidemiology from another discipline, clinical veterinary medicine. It didn’t take me long to figure out that epidemiology is by definition a relatively crude science, since the investigators cannot control the experiment. In fact, one could argue that epidemiology is not a science at all, but is a series of observational research tools that are used by a variety of disciplines (medicine, demography, public health, psychology, etc).

Being a crude research tool, it would seem reasonable to expect that epidemiology is appropriate for measuring gross effects. In fact, epidemiology has been very good at identifying gross effects, such as the 10X increase in lung cancer among smokers, the enormous risk of angiosarcoma and leukemia posed by uncontrolled vinyl chloride and benzene exposures, and the beneficial effects of diets rich in fruits and vegetables. The problem is, epidemiologists started to think that if they could refine the method a little and increase the numbers to make it more precise, they could use this crude tool to detect small effects due to small exposures (or in some cases large effects due to small exposures). Basically, they could use a hammer to turn a screw, if the hammer were fancy enough.

I’ve noticed that some have become so wedded to this idea that they believe things that violate common sense. For example, Bruce Ames and others have been preaching for years that low-level man-made chemical exposures were unlikely to be important causes for cancer. But Ames, et al have been routinely hooted down by laboratory researchers and epidemiologists alike. Furthermore, the arguments used to refute their statements violate common sense.

One reason given to explain away Ames’ treason is evolution: man has evolved defense mechanisms to natural carcinogens that don’t exist for man-made ones. However, many vegetables (tomatoes, broccoli, etc.) have only been consumed by people for a relatively few generations and there is no selection pressure (cancer doesn’t usually strike until your reproductive life is over). Also, didn’t we just say that a large intake of fruits and vegetables is protective of cancer? How could that be, if pesticides in food (man-made or natural) were major risk factors?

Taubes implies that epidemiology is a very inefficient discipline, and I would have to agree. Often, millions to hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on numerous epidemiologic studies of a particular chemical exposure. The results are almost invariably inconclusive. Yet, the call then goes out that “more research is needed.” This suggests that we should spend increasingly limited societal resources to try and pin down what must be (at best) weak effects (epidemiology is good at detecting large effects) that result in rare diseases among a small subset of maximally exposed individuals. A perfect example of this with which I am familiar is the purported association between 2,4-D and cancer.

Recent expert committee reviews of the 2,4-D/cancer association, such as the 1989 Grahm Committee (Environmental Health Perspectives, 1991, 96:213-222) and the 1994 EPA SAP/SAB review, examined numerous case-control, cohort and laboratory studies to evaluate this issue. The Grahm committee examined at least a dozen well-designed case-control studies alone. Both reports found only weak and/or inconclusive evidence of an association between 2,4-D and lymphoma. Yet, both reports called for more research on this issue. If I understand this correctly, that means spending millions of more dollars to try and see if a chemical causes a slight increase in a rare cancer among the maximally exposed population (pesticide applicators). All this, even though we know that protective practices limit exposure. Rather than needing more research, I would say we have already spent too much.

Of course, just as Mr. Taubes indicates, the cry usually goes out that “People are dying! If 2,4-D could possibly cause lymphoma then we could save hundreds of lives.” Well, anything is possible and it’s impossible to prove a negative. But unless we all want to live like the Unibomber, back in the good old days of no chemicals, (except for maybe the uncontrolled occupational exposures in the early dye houses, coal furnaces and mines) we have to direct our resources where they will get the best return. Right now, as it is currently practiced, traditional environmental epidemiology is not it.

John Bukowski

Taubes’ Response: Dr. Bubowski’s comments are refreshing, as well. A classic selection bias of letters-to-the-editor is that only people who disagree with you take the time to write. It worries me that here those who agree are mostly those doing the writing, and I wonder if either the medium or the message is being ignored.


Reader Remembers Earlier Taubes Article

Dear Editor,

I enjoyed reading the interview with Gary Taubes, in the Epi Monitor, as much as I enjoyed reading his “Epidemiology Faces Its Limits” in Science last year, and as much as I disliked reading his stirring defense of “violence epidemiologists” in Science in 1992. Since the violence epidemiologists’ work is rather lower than the standards of those Taubes criticizes in            ’95 and ’96, does that mean that he, like epidemiology, bases his view of “science” on how committed he is to a particular conclusion? Or is he reconsidering his defense of the junk science he defended four years ago?

Paul H. Blackman, PhD

Taubes’ Response: Dr. Blackman is director of Research for the National Rifle Association. His memory is long, as well as almost accurate. It would not be correct to call the 1992 piece a “stirring defense.” It was a piece of reportage. On the other hand, Blackman was right; I allowed my opinions on the subject to color my reporting. I wasn’t as skeptical as I otherwise might have been and as I would be today. On the third hand, compared to much of the research purporting to give evidence for a salubrious effect to handgun ownership, the violence epidemiology work looks Nobel-caliber.

Published August/September 1996  v


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