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White House Updates Plan Against COVID-19

Four Major Goals Advanced

After experiencing five waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US between March 2020 and March 2022, the Biden Administration has released an updated 97 page plan to fight the anticipated future challenges from SARS CoV 2, including any new waves.

The Good News

The plan document notes that 215 million Americans are now fully vaccinated and that an estimated two-thirds of eligible adults have received their booster shot. Persons who have received this vaccine regimen have been found to be 41 times less likely to die of COVID-19 than unvaccinated individuals.

Estimates in the report suggest that vaccines have saved over 1 million lives among Americans and prevented 10 million hospitalizations. Another encouraging equity result reported in the plan document is that Hispanic, Black, and Asian adults are now vaccinated on a par with White adults. Also, the Administration has committed to donating 1.2 billion doses of vaccine to other countries. To date, the US has delivered 475 million free doses to 112 countries, several times more than what has been donated by any other country.


The plan’s four major goals are 1) to protect and treat against COVID-19, 2) to prepare for new variants, 3) prevent economic and educational shutdowns, and 4) lead the effort to vaccinate the world and save lives.

Examples of more specific actions described in the plan related to new variants are, “…the CDC launched – and is continually enhancing – the National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) to track the presence of SARS-COV-2 in wastewater samples collected across the country. ..

...And America has established a world-class sequencing operation, sequencing up to 90,000 isolates a week. The CDC’s sequencing efforts can now reliably detect variants that account for as little as 0.1% of all COVID-19 cases circulating in the United States. And when new variants are identified, the federal government has a network of researchers – federal, academic, and commercial – who are able to study the sequence and assess mutations rapidly, allowing the government to respond quickly to concerning variants. “ 

On the goal related to preventing shutdowns in schools and the economy,  the plan asserts that schools, workers, and workplaces now have resources and guidance to prevent shutdowns.

The Administration states that it will work with Congress to obtain the necessary funding to implement the multiple actions called for in the plan. To read the executive summary or the full plan document, visit:


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