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Summer Programs In Epidemiology At-A-Glance

Each year we provide a short recap of summer programs of interest to epidemiologists and other public health professionals. Before the pandemic in 2019, we reported on 23 different programs available in multiple different locations in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. Many of these programs were suspended during 2020-2021, however, 18 summer programs will take place in 2022. There will be more online or exclusively online course offerings. Readers interested primarily in residential or in-person summer programs should read the descriptions  carefully to learn which courses qualify.

This summary provides a link to each of the programs so readers can obtain additional information on their programs of interest.


Summer Programs in 2022

Editor Comments

Two sessions May 9-June 3 and June 6-30

Summer Session in Epidemiology and Biostatistics

McGill University

Montreal, Canada

For health professionals and students to gain familiarity with the principles of epidemiology and biostatistics. Heavy on clinical epi and pharmacoepi. In person and online courses. Can receive a Certificate.


May 16-

June 3

Summer Public Health Institute

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN

As titled, this has a public health focus and is designed for practicing professionals and grad students. It includes 3 weeks with 27 courses to choose from.



1- 30

Epidemiology and Population Health Summer Institute

Columbia University

New York, New York

31 courses over 4 weeks in June (17 asynchronous and 14 in person or online synchronous). Wide range of topics. Lots of ways to participate. Heavy emphasis on epidemiology data and methods. Some special topics, e.g., sleep epi.

June 13-July 1

Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Baltimore, Maryland

Over a three week period in June. In place for 40 years with a wide offering of topics and formats, including 22 one week, 2 two week, 10 asynchronous, and 5 one day or half day courses. Offers a series of seminars by senior epidemiologists throughout June.

June 17-July 5

34th Residential Summer Program in Epidemology

EEPE (European Educational Program in Epidemiology)

Florence, Italy

This program is one of the original summer programs. Five general modules on epidemiological study design and statistical analysis of epidemiological data offered in first 2 weeks. It includes four specialized courses in the week after the 3 week long main program which can be attended independently.

June 20-24

Pharmacoepidemiology  Summer  School in Denmark

Aarhus University

Grenaa, Denmark

7th  session of a five day residential summer school. Offers seven courses, most of them half day each and one longer day and a half meta- analysis course in 2022.

June 21-24

June 27-July 1

Causalab Summer Courses

First 4 day course introduces concepts and methods for causal inference from observational data. Second course is focused on target trial emulation.


Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Sponsored by Biostatepi

Cison di Valmarino,

Province of Treviso, Italy

Cancelled for 2022

June 21-24 & June 27-July 1

Summer Program in Population Health

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH

Four courses in each of two in person sessions between June 21 and June 24 and 3 virtual courses June 27-July 1. The program is organized by the Center for Public Health Practice with courses that appeal to a broad public health workforce.

June 24-July1

Urban Health Summer Institute

Drexel University

Philadelphia, PA

12 courses centered on  urban health research and applied methods. All career levels are eligible.

July 4-8

UCL Health and Society Summer School: Social Determinants of Health

University College London

London, England

A one-week non-residential program with an in depth assessment of social determinants of health. The week will be led off and closed by Michael Marmot.


Real World Epidemiology Oxford Summer School

University of Oxford

Oxford UK

Cancelled for 2022

More info to come

Summer Institute of Advanced Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine

Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv, Israel

Four intensive courses offered over a three week period.

July 11-29

Summer Session in Epidemiology

University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

Has been around for over 50 years and has a wide variety of offerings for 1 or 3 week courses and online courses as well. Most are 1 week in person or online morning or afternoon courses.. Organizers state “you can get a career boost in just 1-3 intensive weeks”.

July 11-27

Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases

University of Washington

Seattle, WA

16 two and a half day modules to choose from over the time of the institute.  All courses online. Participants typically take 2-3 modules.

July 11-Aug 3

Summer Institute in Statistics for Clinical and Epidemiologic Research

University of Washington

Seattle, WA

17 one to four day modules to choose from over the time of the institute.  All courses online.

Planned for Mid July 2022

Causal Inference Summer Institute

Causality and Pharmacoepidemiology

Penn Center for Clinical Epidemiology and  Biostatistics +

Rutgers School of Public Health +

Penn Wharton School

New Brunswick NJ

More info to be provided after a venue is selected. Last held in 2019 and offered multiple courses

July 25-Aug 5

Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data

University of Washington

Seattle, WA


4 two and a half day modules to choose from over the time of the institute.  Courses are online.

Delayed to 2023

30th International Summer School of Epidemiology

Ulm University

Ulm Germany

In cooperation with the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina.

August 8-26 2022

Summer Program

Erasmus MC

 Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Program for 2022 to be announced.

Aug 8-19

Summer Institute In Epidemiology and Biostatistics

University of Ottawa

Ottawa, Ontario Canada

Two courses offered—An introduction to epidemiology in week one and an introduction to biostatistics in week two.

Registration opens in June 2022


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