A Dictionary of Epidemiology, 7th. edition (2024)
Call to submit contributions

The International Epidemiological Association (IEA) and Oxford University Press (OUP) are pleased to inform that work on the new, 7th. edition of A dictionary of epidemiology, whose first four editions were edited by John Last (Ottawa), is now in progress.

As the current 6th. edition (published in 2014), and the previous 5th. edition (published in 2008), the 7th. edition is being edited under the leadership of Miquel Porta (Barcelona), who was confirmed for such task by the IEA Council. The tentative publication date is December, 2024.

Members of the IEA and all other epidemiologists worldwide are cordially invited to contribute to the 7th. edition by submitting to the editor amendments, corrections of existing definitions, new material, and other relevant suggestions. Submissions from other professionals competent in the topics covered by the dictionary will also be considered.

Contributions are thus warmly welcomed until November 30th., 2023. They must be made by sending a structured email to Miquel Porta at dictionaryepi@researchmar.net.

Contributions to the 7th Edition should be organized within these categories:

1.  Suggest the complete removal of a term (and its definition) that is part of the present 6th. edition (2014) of the Dictionary of Epidemiology.

2.  Suggest a change in the definition of a term currently present in the 6th. edition.

3.  Suggest a new term for the 7th. edition of the Dictionary, but not the definition.

4.  Suggest a new term for the 7th. edition, and its corresponding definition.

5.  Suggest the removal of a figure included in the present 6th. edition, or suggest a new figure.

6.  Make other comments and suggestions (e.g., on references).

All submissions must:

–   refer explicitly and specifically to the current 6th. edition (2014)*; e.g., briefly explain what the new term and / or definition would add, their need or relevance.

–   state to which of the 6 categories above they belong.

–   the definitions must be brief and perfectly written in English.

–   be accompanied by at least one and up to three bibliographic references (e.g., to credit an original source or to suggest further reading).

As background reading, please consider the Preface to the 6th. edition (2014), pages ix-xv.

We look forward to your criticisms, comments, and suggestions.